Connecting People With the Built Environment

What We Do

From branding and wayfinding to signage and placemaking, we design the visual layer that enhances the human experience in the spaces our clients create. With every project we hone our ability to connect people to the places where they live, work and play.
Our Projects

Who We Are

Square Peg Design is an exceptional team of designers, problem solvers, and strategists committed to developing the full promise of a built environment. We are translators and advocates, dreamers and realists, skilled professionals with a passion for manifesting the power of place.
Our Studio

Where We Work

Square Peg Design maintains four offices around the world and travel everywhere our clients require. Every project is an opportunity to celebrate what connects us all to one another and the environments we create.
Contact Us

Who We’ve Helped

For over 25 years we’ve worked in collaboration with our clients and their design teams to create exceptional experiences on a vast array of projects around the world.
Our Clients and Collaborators